Sunday, March 9, 2008

I hated school?!?!?!

I just hated school as a child...i used to make all these excuses to not go to school...i used to call my parents up and they used to pick me up halfway through the day(i used to report sick..)
I just hated the people around me..It was like a big jungle full of unfriendly foreign species..
Whats more,i didnt have friends.. So that kindda helped a lot...i was a complete "nobody"... it was hard to notice me....
And this was even before i entered high school....Imagine what that would be!!!

Things completely changed in high school....Ok thats all bullshit...No1 s really interested in sad stories...but...whatever...things changed slightly....i started taking part in some activities and ppl started showing interest in me... lookin back i think it was the other way round... i started taking interest in people and realised that i loved making friends.... at the end of high school i thought that my entire 13 years of education were a complete waste....I didnt know anyone who would
stand by me whatever happened...( i had seen too many teenage movies and read too many books!!!)...
then i had a really long vacations....My friend gifted me a diary as a b'day present and i finally took it out after like 6 months... having nothing else to do i started writing my thoughts and experiences of school in it... And i realised the most amazing thing ever!! i was so busy b****** about people,talking trash about school,hating everythin and anythin that i never realised that i was enjoying the company of my friends and in general the atmosphere....
For some its about the journey in school abd for some its the realisation that they were a part of that journey...for me it was the realisation....
so what if i ended up with the wierdest of the lot 4m school... we coming together as a group was i think a shock for the entire group:a nerd,a singer,an artist,a dancer,a girl wid a rilli rilli big family,the most famous girl of the entire school,3 of the mischief makers.... not really meant to be... but we ended up together... we enjoyed being with each other and the best part is that after almost 2.5 years and ever1 in different colleges,we all saty in touch... every1 calls each other up abd u can count on anybody...literally..... its amazing that i realized that school isnt about homework or being famous or being a teachers "chamcha",its an experience that one cherishes their entire life even if he hates it... its a medium through which u find the most loyal friends EVER.... i know i did........!

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